
-Online- Social Impact Day 2020

Sat, 23 Jan 2021 17:00 - Tue, 26 Jan 2021 17:00 JST
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Pre Session/Opening Panel/Keynote Speech/Session4 Free
Session1~3、Session5~9/Closing ¥5,000 prepaid


-Online- Social Impact Day 2020

 Can Social Impact Management help achieve:
 A sustainable and just society?
 A society in which divergent values can thrive and diverse choices are respected?
 A society that guarantees the dignity of those who have life difficulties?

The rapid spread of the new coronavirus infection, which no one could have predicted just a year ago, is forcing us and the whole world to make transformative changes. One of these changes is the shift to a new type of capitalism; from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism. We need to consider and appreciate a variety of social and environmental values that cannot be measured by conventional monetary values, and work to ensure that these values are produced in an optimal manner in our business and activities, with a result that these new values flow freely, and are reinforced and cherished in society.
How can social impact management contribute to this transformation? What can we glimpse from the latest global trends, growing practice in Japan in the private, non-profit, and government sectors, and the development of new standards and frameworks? We will introduce and discuss various aspects of the social impact management in practice and draw up the future we are aiming for.

【Day1】Sat,January 23,2021,17:00-19:00
【Day2】Mon,January 25,2021,09:00-17:00
【Day3】Tue,January 26,2021,09:00-17:00

◆Event Location:ZOOM

・Pre Session/Opening Panel/Keynote Speech/Session4:¥0

◆Event Website:

Social Impact Management Initiative(SIMI)


【Day1】Sat, January 23, 2021
・Pre Session(Free) 17:00-19:00 JST
『Social Impact Management 101 – Introduction』

A great opportunity for:
• Those who would like to know what social impact management is all about
• Those who are new to social impact management
• Those who wish to deepening their learning from the Social Impact Day sessions!
If you have heard of Social Impact Management (SIM) or Social Impact Measurement, but do not know much about them, or if you are interested in them but do not know how to apply it in your practice, please join this seminar.
In this seminar, we will present the basics of social impact management and introduce case studies to gain a deeper understanding of social impact management, program evaluation, and the management cycle. By attending this seminar, you will be able to understand better each session of Social Impact Day and take home practical knowledge on how to apply it in your own practice.
Free admission

・Naoki CHIBA 
CEO, Blue Marble Japan, Inc.

Assistant Professor, Gunma University of Health and Welfare, Faculty of Social Wealfare

・Erika OIKE
Program officer, Meals on Wheels Japan


【Day2】Mon, January 25, 2021
・Opening Panel(Free) 9:00-10:00 JST
『Opening Panel: Why Social Impact Now? - Focusing on Social Impact from a Global Perspective』

Whether it is widening disparities or climate change, global and domestic issues are becoming more serious and challenging. At the same time, momentum is building toward the development of a sustainable society, where the role of the private sector is gaining attention. Our question is why focus on social impact, and what kind of economy and society is envisioned by promoting social impact? How can we measure social values, which cannot be measured by current economic yardstick? We will open the Social Impact Day with these questions and with an invitation to join in this global conversation.

Founder, Shibusawa and Company, Inc. , Chairman, Commons Asset Management / Member, Governing Council, Social Impact Management Initiative

・Atsumi ARIMA
Director, Seibu Railway Co., Ltd., Director, Prince Hotels, Inc. / Member, Governing Council, Social Impact Management Initiative

Professor, Graduate School of Governance Studies, Meiji University / Member, Governing Council, Social Impact Management Initiative

・Katsuji IMATA
President, Social Impact Management Initiative / Co-CEO, Blue Mable Japan, Inc.

・Keynote Speech(Free) 10:10-11:40 JST
『Rethinking the Value of Money: The Future of Social Impact Management (recording, simultaneous Interpretation)』

[JAPANESE / ENGLISH] This session will cover global movements and their implications for Japan and the US regarding new trends in social impact management, impact investing, stakeholder capitalism, rethinking the value of money and social impact. There will be a general discussion on how the new capital movements are driving social change and how social impact management works.

・Jed Emerson
Founder, Blended Value

・Miyuki ZENIYA
Head of Sustainable Finance, The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited

・Ken ITO
Executive Director, Social Impact Management Initiative / Executive Director, Social Value Japan

・Session 1【Paid】 13:00-13:50 JST
『SDG Impact: Global Trends and Japan's Role in Achieving the SDGs』

With only 9 years left to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched the SDG Impact to contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society by accelerating social impact management. Mr. Shibusawa, a member of the SIMI Governing Council, will introduce the SDG Impact where he participates as a member of the Steering Group, and discuss how Japanese companies and the social sector organizations can participate in this initiative.

Founder, Shibusawa and Company, Inc. , Chairman, Commons Asset Management / Member, Governing Council, Social Impact Management Initiative

・Katsuji IMATA
President, Social Impact Management Initiative / Co-CEO, Blue Mable Japan, Inc.

・Session 2【Paid】 14:00-14:50 JST
『Using Social Impact Management in the Community』

Thus far, social impact measurement was mainly practiced by non-profit organizations in urban areas, but with the launch of the Act on the Utilization of Dormant Deposits, it is now attracting attention from the nonprofits throughout Japan, as it is mandated in the Act. However, its management and utilization are still in the process of development. In this session, we will invite practitioners who are already working on social impact measurement and management in their local communities to discuss how to effectively use them in the community and regional initiatives and what issues need to be addressed in the development and dissemination of this approach.


Director/Staff , Hokkaido Npo Fund

・Ayano SATO
Non-profit Management Support ANOYA

・Masao KAWAI
NPO Capacity Building and Empowerment Consultant, office musubime

Professor, Graduate School of Governance Studies, Meiji University / Member, Governing Council, Social Impact Management Initiative

・Session 3【Paid】 15:00-15:50 JST
『International Trends in Sustainability Disclosure - Harmonization of GRI, SASB, IIRC, CDP and CDSB』

Many international frameworks and standards have been proposed for the disclosure of non-financial information and about social and environmental aspects of company operations. In recent years, they have received attention as ways of framing measurement metrics in impact management. In September 2020, the leading frameworks and standard-setting bodies released a joint statement, while the IFRS Foundation which governs the International Accounting Standards Board proposed the establishment of a new Sustainability Standards Board, and in November, the IIRC and SASB announced their merger plan.
In this session, we invite experts who are closely watching and working on these trends to discuss where non-financial information disclosure is headed.

・Yoichi MORI
Chair of the Corporate Disclosure Technical Committee, The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants

・Hidemi TOMITA
Managing Director, Lloyd’s Register Japan KK

Technical Lead, Sustainability Center of Excellence, PwC Japan
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Sustainability LLC

Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Economics, Takasaki City University of Economics / Member, Governing Council, Social Impact Management Initiative

・Session 4(Free) 16:00-17:00 JST JST
『Microfinance and Impact Evaluation: A Gender Lens』

The microfinance market continues to grow. Microfinance has made a huge difference in the lives of many clients, especially women who make up the majority. This session will explore the prospects for microfinance by strengthening impact measurement and management (IMM) from a gender perspective, with two speakers involved in the front lines.

・Natasha GARCHA
Director, Innovative Finance – Impact Investment Exchange (IIX)

・Cheriel NEO
Impact Measurement Lead, GOJO & Company, Inc.

Director, Gender Investment and Innovation Department, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation


【Day3】Tue, January 26, 2021
・Session 5【Paid】 9:00-10:20 JST
『Social Impact Management – Latest Trends and Who Gets to Decide What [English / Japanese]』

In the global movement of impact investing, there is a growing consensus on what is “good” impact management. What is it, what kind of relationship between the investors and investees is drawn up as feasible and desirable, and how different stakeholders should be involved? And what are the emerging trends? This session will have to globally-renowned speakers give us a glimpse of these themes. Then, they will have a dialogue with the Japanese practitioners to highlight key considerations of impact management.

・Karim HARJI
Program Director, Oxford Impact Measurement Programme, University of Oxford (Canada)

Founder & CEO, Social Value US - SVT Group (Social Venture Technology Group)

・Yoshiaki ISHIKAWA
CFO and Impact Officer, Life is Tech, Inc.

Director at K-three Inc. / Research fellow at Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University

・Katsuji IMATA
President, Social Impact Management Initiative / Co-CEO, Blue Mable Japan, Inc.

・Session 6【Paid】 10:30-11:50 JST
『International Trends in Indicator Metrics and Databases – Working Towards the Japanese Version of IRIS+ (Simultaneous Interpretation)』

An indicator metrics database plays an important role in the communication of information about social impact. The GIIN (USA), which has been playing a leading role in this domain globally, released IRIS+ in 2019 as an update of IRIS. We will invite speakers from GIIN's unit that manages IRIS+ to hear about the key points for implementation and the trend of this field.


・Ken ITO
Executive Director, Social Impact Management Initiative / Executive Director, Social Value Japan

・Session 7【Paid】 13:00-13:50 JST
『Sharing Case Studies: Social Impact Management Practices by Enterprises』

This session will introduce social impact management practices in Japan. It will help participants to understand the necessary elements for practicing social impact management in business including nonprofits, and to learn from the actual implementation of social impact management. In addition to introducing case studies, the summary of the tips for success and trial-and-error will encourage the participants to put them into practice in their own undertaking.

Member of Directors, Center for Person-Centered Ningen, Omuta

Representative Director, Kopernik Japan

Director, Social Impact Management Initiative / Founder, Stem for Leaves

・Session 8【Paid】 14:00-14:50 JST
『Social Impact x Public Sector: Kanagawa Prefecture and Marugame City's Challenge on Social Impact Management』

This session will focus on innovative cases of social impact management in the public sector, whose practice of impact management is increasing. In particular, we will discuss how local (prefectural and municipal) governments are using social impact management, what challenges they have and are trying to overcome, and what lessons they have learned. We will introduce the efforts of Kanagawa Prefecture in forming an ecosystem of a SDGs-focused impact and financial management, and Marugame City's introduction of social impact management in the construction of its "Theater for Everyone.

Special Assistant to the Governor(for SDGs), Kanagawa Prefectual Government

・Tsuyoshi MURAO
Manager of Civic Hall Construction Planning Office, Culture Division, Industry&Culture Dept.,Marugame City

・Masaki KOCHI
Director, Social Impact Management Initiative / CEO, K-three

・Session 9【Paid】 15:00-15:50 JST
『Using Social Impact Management for Enterprises』

This session will focus on case studies of social impact management in corporate CSR. In recent years, attention to social impact management in corporate CSR has been increasing. In this session, we will take up the advanced case studies and discuss what is needed to promote collaboration among businesses and funders (corporate CSR) to create even higher social value.

・Kotoko TOGO
Chief, CSR & Citizenship Department, Groupwide Brand Strategic Division, Panasonic Corporation

Director,, Co.,Ltd. 

・Yoshihiro KAMOZAKI
Executive Director, Social Impact Management Initiative / Executive Director, Japan Fundraising Association

・Closing【Paid】 16:00-17:00 JST
『The Future of Social Impact Management: Creating Multi-sectoral Approach』

In the closing session, we will summarize and integrate the findings of each session. The knowledge gained from the two days of sessions will be shared, and the future of social impact management and the significance of its development from the point of view of SIMI's board members will be discussed in a comprehensive manner.

<Guest Commentator>
・Mitsuaki AOYAGI
Vice-chair of Executive Committee, Social Innovation and Investment Foundation / Member, Governing Council, Social Impact Management Initiative

・Ken ITO
Executive Director, Social Impact Management Initiative / Executive Director, Social Value Japan

・Katsuji IMATA
President, Social Impact Management Initiative / Co-CEO, Blue Mable Japan, Inc.

・Masaki KOCHI
Director, Social Impact Management Initiative / CEO, K-three

Director, Social Impact Management Initiative / Founder, Stem for Leaves

・Yoshihiro KAMOZAKI
Executive Director, Social Impact Management Initiative / Executive Director, Japan Fundraising Association

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日本において事業者、資金提供者・仲介者、行政、中間支援組織・シンクタンク、評価者・研究者など多様なメンバーが連携して、日本全体として「社会的インパクト・マネジメント」を普及させるためのマルチセクター・イニシアチブです。2019年1月時点で160を超える団体がメンバーとなっています。 私たちは立場や役割の違いにかかわらず、よりよい社会をつくるために、社会的インパクト志向で事業や活動に取り組むこ...

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